Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Package Guidelines

Before I forget, in case anyone is planning to send me a package (maybe that is wishful thinking?), here are some tips for ensuring that it gets to me and I can enjoy its contents!
-        -  Write “Air mail/ par avion” on the outside
-        -  Write religious things like “may God bless you!” (esp en francais) or draw crosses, to make potential thieves feel guilty
-       -   I have heard that flat rate boxes tend to be the most cost effective, but they are still quite expensive to send this far.  Sorry
-       -   On the customs slip, label it as books and shirts – don’t write food, gifts, and definitely don’t ever write electronics because nice stuff gets stolen.  Someone told a story of an ipad package that arrived with no ipad inside L
-       -   If you’re sending food, it needs to be packaged really well against mice and rats!  I think this means, like, multiple plastic bags and then Tupperware  or other thick containers and then more plastic bags.  This is particularly relevant to my current life – will elaborate more when I get a chance to write a real entry.
-          Things I want/anticipate wanting:  food from home that doesn’t require a fridge, microwave, oven, and won’t go bad soon.  Junk food (cookies and fruit roll ups and easy mac) and dried fruit would be great options but anything would be great!  Also, although I don’t really have time during training, I think books will be at the top of my list, so if you have any good ones lying around, send em my way!
Also, you can call me on my Cameroon phone!!  Dial 011 (to get out of the US) + 237 (Cameroon country code) + 51 46 98 31 (my number).  I think you can text me there too.  Or, you can text me at (347) 389-7119 but I can only see messages or respond when I have wifi.

Real post coming soon!


  1. Do you have a thing on which you can read Kindle/e-book files? Because I have like 8,000,000 of them.

    1. I do! I would love get get some of them! Probably can't read all 8,000,000 in the next two years, but maybe like... 10?

  2. Seconded--when you say "books" do you mean more digital books, or physical copies?

    AND--anyone have a french translation of "may God bless you?"

    1. Digital and physical are both good. As for the French translation, I just got it. "Que Dieu vous bénisse!"

      Thanks madz

  3. 安雅!Toni!
    This is April~ Do you want any food from Taiwan?
    Or anything? Clothing? Skirt?

    Your blog is awesome! I'm looking forward to reading more stories!

